I am a ritualist. I am a CircleKeeper and for years I am offering ceremonial women- and other sacred circles.
Having followed various seminars of the Council of the Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers I feel involved by the Grandmothers and their ways. (www.grandmotherscouncil.com)
In particular, I feel a deep connection with Grandmother Flordemayo and her work for the next 7 generations; (www.followthegoldenpath.org).
Also I feel connected with the Charter for Compassion with Sande Hart. (www.CharterforCompassion.org).
Furthermore I am a TreeSister (www.treesisters.org) and volunteer as Rivertender within the organisation.
Over the years I have done and still do, many studies concerning Inner Development. Everything I have done in the past and present is connected with EarthAwareness and the next 7 Generations, The Divine Feminine as well as
"The Ancient Teachings of the Sisterhood" by Jamie Sams:
'The 13 Original Clanmothers, Earth Medicine-Ancestors Ways of Harmony for Many Moons and Dancing the Dream'.
*3-year French, Alliance Française, The Hague
*4-year “School for Man and Intuition", Amersfoort
*5-year Interior Architect KABK, The Hague
*3-year Psychomotorics (dr.N.A.B.Brouw method), North Sea Institute, The Hague
*Shamanistic Practitioner; trainings and seminars in The Netherlands and abroad
with various and international teachers and shamanic traditions
* Practitioner Family Consellations: education with Bert Hellinger, Beth Weiner and Jan Jacob Stam
* Systemic Rituals with Daan van Kampenhout.
I am a self-taught artist specialized in “Native Art”

The Mysterious Feminine
“Follow your Grandmother Moon. Her illuminating cycles will
Transform your spirit
as you awaken to them moving within your own body”
Brook Medicine Eagle