Eversince my youth I haven’t always just been interested in psychological behavioral patterns but I am an aesthetic person by nature. My roots are embedded in a family that has produced creative and artistic people like photographers, artists, architects and designers.
Being highly sensitive I long for the stillness of nature. From an early age this is where I find my base and rest. Because of the turmoil in my life I went searching for answers and silence within myself. Throught self-contemplation and by trial and error, I fell I have developed into the person that I now am. In my experience this development is part of our human existence during our entire life… and after.
After highschool I took up studying again, first in classical dance and French language. For some years I took part in a Folkloristic Dance Company wich performed all over the country. I got more and more interested in the esoteric and the life concept of the peoples of nature. The Path of Spiritual Development began manifesting itself in me. This interest went in sychronisation with a deep self search. This search for the ‘how and why’ had started and also a long line of education and training of which the “School for Man and Intuition” in Amersfoort became the first.
After the birth of my third child I followed the 5-year course at the Royal Academy in The Hague to Interior Architect. So as to not stop the study modus too abruptly I rounded it off with a year of conversation in Russian. Shortly after I ended my studies at the KABK academy I started in 1992, next to my own design bureau, with a practice for personal coaching and consulting.
The guideline in my life has shown with increasing clarity. It has become a combination of “creating beauty, ceremony and coaching. Over the last years facilitating different Women's Circles has become of most importance. Over past 2 years a beautiful GrandmotherCircle: Grandmothers of the Sacred Stones has been initiated and is still is evolving. In the meantime being the grandmother of four beautiful grandchildren I am grateful to have found my specific way of living in my art objects, nature altars, readings and rituals. By expressing my connexion with our Earthmother in all her beauty, I am serving her, as well as all of her inhabitants and the following generations…
Grandmother Angelique

As I walk, as I walk
The universe is walking with me
In beauty it walks before me
In beauty it walks behind me
In beauty it walks below me
In beauty it walks above me
Beauty is all around me
May Beauty all surround me
As I walk, I walk with Beauty.
traditional Navajo Prayer