I am convinced that everything is connected… During my private consults this shows especially in working with the MedicineWheel that I offer. Teachings about and of wich I apply the possibilities time and time again in my own life. In passing on and applying this centuries old knowledge the laws of origin and result are clearly mapped. It is an inexhaustible source of wisdom and possabilities.
Working with the MedicineWheel is next to offering readings, one of the most important methods that I use in my practice. In my sessions I sometimes use some complementary techniques such as Systemic Rituals, various sets of Oracle Cards or Celtic Runes. This of course depends on the demands of the client which method or combination therof I am going to use.
For more information : see biography/background...
When asked I will offer:
Crystalhealing; that can be applied on or near the body,
Assistance with Rites of Passage e.g. birth, marriage, death
Soulfusion: healing by using the voice
Energetic cleansing (Smudging) of spaces like home, work etc..