Originally I am an Interior Architect and a designer. At the same time I have been developing my free work as an artist. This resulted also from my personal development during the past 35 years of reaching deeper into my shamanistic and educational roots. From this search originated the specific artform of Native Art wich inspired me to make art and practical objects such as ‘smudge fans’ (a fan made of feathers to use for cleaning energetical or environmental spaces), wedding baskets or shields for power and meditations. These FeatherShields may serve as 'portals', a way to connect deeper with your Inner World to be able to retrieve insights or visions necessary.
Birds are my greatest inspiration; their beautiful plumage, their purity and their intelligence are true food for the Soul. All other materials used to create my objects are usually found in nature. Wheras my architectonical designs are usuallly sober and simple, my art is more organic and expressive.
The native Art, in which I use prepared feathers, is subtle, tender and forceful and originates from a deep symbolism. My artform bears this name because it is co-inspired by several cultures that live close to nature. I create with som regularity series with a theme. Two examples are the series with 13 Original Clanmothers Powershields, one for each Moon of the year and a series of six large and four smaller panels, one for each direction of the wind. These last shields were specifically created on the occasion of my first (of four times) exhibition in the church building of “Op Hodenpijl” at Schipluiden.
In everything I encounter in life my focus is on harmony, both in creating art or interior design as in contact with people.
A Northern Face, A Southern Heart
…I now carry an open and curious attitude toward the unknown,
allowing much more room in my life for what is unusual,
extraordinairy and mysterious.
“Much better”, Crackling Crow agreed.
Brook Medicine Eagle