Since Casa Boas is build on various shamanic traditions and centuries-old knowledge I can call myself Shamanic Philosophy Practitioner.
Shamanism originates from East Siberia and Mongolia and has spread since then all over the World. According to many Antropologists Shamanism originated in the early Stone age and preceded religions and magic traditions.
In Shamanism Philosophy as with various Indigenous Peoples everything has a Soul, as our Creator Mother/Father, people, trees, birds, quadrupeds and all other animals, stones, water, the Moon, Stars and Sun etc. Because of this idea that all living creatures are our family, and because of the deep symbolic meaning of my Native Art these shamanic principles play an essential part in all my activities and life.
Today may there be peace within you,
May you trust that you are exactly
Where you are meant to be
May you not forget the infinite possabilities
that are born of Faith in yourself and others…
May you use the Gifts that you have received
and pass on the love that has been given to you…
May you be content with yourself
just the Way you are.
Let this knowledge settle into your bones
and alow your Soul the freedom to sing.
Dance, pray and love…
It is there for each and everyone of us…=
St. Thérèse de Lisieux